Why the name?
On the scale of keeping it traditional with some real bread and wine or making it safe and contemporary with a stale wafer and some juice, I can’t think of a better communion than a tasty saltine cracker and some fizzy grape soda.
So, my blog finds its name from my ideal communion articles.
About Me:
I am the pastor of Narrative Church in Tigard, OR. This blog is my place to put things down into writing - material from my sermons, my own thoughts, or anything else useful.
My head tends to be filled with a simmering caldron of dozens of influences that cross a gamut of theology and philosophy, nicely seasoned with my own experiences, thoughts, and processes. As I serve something up out of this mess, in a sermon, blog post, or personal interactions, I don’t always get a chance to recognize or realize where one thought or another comes from.
Was that a word-for-word quote I somehow recalled from a sermon I heard 10 years ago? A thought from a book I read only 6 months ago? Or my own invention?
Sometimes it gets a little hazy in the middle of continually ingesting and digesting thoughts. Thus, in case attribution gets missed in a post or a sermon, here is a list - in no particular order - of some who influence my thoughts from years past and/or presently:
NT Wright, Rowan Williams, Stanley Hauerwas, Scot McKnight, CS Lewis, George MacDonald, Brian Zahnd, Greg Boyd, DB Hart, Christopher Wright, Samuel Wells, Michael Gorman, Brad Jersak, Paul Young, and many that I am missing right now.
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